Friday, 7 October 2011

Production of contents page

For the production of my contents page, I used QuarkXPress. I liked this program very much to use for my contents page, as it was very easy to use and I could fully engage in to the task and make a contents page that I liked.
Firstly, I included my title, I used a big bold bright title so the reader knows what page they are on. I kept to the colour scheme to make the magazine recognisable. I added 4 pictures to my contents page altogether, but the first one I added covered 2 columns as it stood out more. I also organised my contents page in to 3 columns, this was to make it very neat and tidy and easy to manage.

I then added a sub-heading which said 'regular'. I kept this bigger than other text, and again as part of my colour scheme. I decided to divide my contents page up in to two parts as this makes it look neater. I had a 'regular' section so readers would know what is regularly in the contents page.

I then began to add the context of the contents page, and what articles are on which page. I used a smaller font so the reader knows that this is the main context of the contents page. I organised the pages by 'Pg.04'for example, because I felt that this is the main way I could gain a lot of organisation within the production of the contents page, and make it look realistic.

After this, I added another sub-heading which was 'featured'. Again, I used a bold font that kept to the colour scheme. I used the word 'featured' so the audience knew what it meant, as it was not a regular occurrence in the magazine.

I then continued to write the page numbers and articles in, under the heading 'featured'. I kept the titles of each article very simple, so it didn't give away too much about the article.

I gave my magazine a background colour which was still part of my colour scheme. I like having a background colour in my contents page as this makes it differ to my front cover, and gives it a bit of colour.
This is my finished product. I added the school website and contact phone number, as a lot of magazines do this in their contents page. I also included 'head teachers notes' which in normal magazines would represent the editors notes. I thought that as this magazine is the 'back to school' special, in most magazines, it would include some form of letter from the person in charge e.g. editor or headteacher.

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