Sunday, 30 October 2011


I conducted a questionnaire on Microsoft Word. I asked questions which related to my music magazine and genre and which would help me to make decisions about the magazine e.g. colour scheme etc. I will print off 20 copies and get a variety of people to fill them in, in order to make the results reliable.
1)      Are you male [ ] or female [ ]?
2)      How old are you?
3)      What genre of music do you mainly listen to?
4)      Who is your favourite band/singer?
5)      What three words do you associate with Indie music?
6)      What is your favourite colour?
7)      How often do you buy a magazine?
once a week [ ] once a fortnight [ ] once a month [ ] less than once a month [ ]
If other, please specify: ________________
8)      What magazine do you currently buy?
9)      What do you like about this magazine?
10)  What do you dislike about this magazine?
11)  What articles do you most enjoy to read in a music magazine?
12)  How much would you pay for a music magazine usually?
0-99p [ ]  £1.00-1.50 [ ]  £1.51-2.00 [ ]  £2.01-2.50 [ ]  £2.51-£3.00 [ ] more [ ]
If more, please specify how much you usually pay: ___________
13)  In your spare time, how much do you listen to music?
Daily [ ]  every few days [ ] once a week [ ] less [ ]
If less, please specify how much you listen to music:___________­
14)  What colours do you associate with the indie genre?

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